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We use cookies on these websites. Below you can read more about how we use the cookies.<\/p>\n

The company USSPA s.r.o., ID No. 63218003, with its registered office at Doln\u00ed Dobrou\u010d 384, Postal code 561 02, registered in the Commercial Register maintained by the Regional Court in Hradec Kr\u00e1lov\u00e9, Section C, Entry 7850<\/p>\n

Our contact details are:
Email: usspa@usspa.cz<\/a>
Tel.: +420 465 543 114<\/p>\n

What are cookies and how they work<\/h2>\n

Cookies are text files that store selected data for a limited period. At the moment when you visit a website for the first time, your browser automatically downloads and stores these files on your device (telephone, tablet, computer). A cookie file consists of at least two components, i.e., the name and value of the file. It usually also contains the date of its automatic deletion (it is set according to the expected lifetime of the given file). There is a difference between cookie files used for the duration of a session (session cookies) and permanent cookie files (persistent cookies). Session cookies are automatically immediately deleted after the end of the respective browsing session. Persistent cookies remain stored on your computer for the entire lifetime of the respective cookie files and are only deleted after the set expiration date expires.<\/p>\n

The purpose of the cookie files is to make website browsing easier and the website use more friendly for users. The cookie files remember your preferred settings and when you return to a certain website the cookies enable the website to \u201cremember\u201d what products you added to your cart last time or will ensure that the website is automatically displayed in your preferred setting or with the preferred font size.<\/p>\n

What cookies we use<\/h2>\n